Breast Cancer Can Be Best Countered With Awareness

The instances of breast cancer are increasing with each day and so are the attempts of medical science to counter this disease. The best cancer treatment centers in Texas are the forerunners in spreading awareness about all types of cancer. The cancer centers in Texas  work towards curing as well as the prevention of the disease. Following are a few steps suggested to promote good breast health;

Breast Self examination

This is one of the most crucial steps to take care of your breast health. Nobody knows the normal condition and texture of your breast better than you. Every month examine your breast for any change in texture or the appearance of any lump. In case of any unusual changes in the appearance or texture of the breast, immediately schedule am appointment with your doctor for a consultation.

Risk factor evaluation

You must analyze the factors which might make you vulnerable to the disease and discuss them with your doctor.

Ø       Aging

Ø       Another female in your immediate family,like your mother or sister, suffering from the same ailment.

Ø       Commencement of the menstrual cycle before  the age of 12 years.

Ø       Bearing children after the age of 30 years.

Ø       Not conceiving even at a later stage.

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